Once in a while I listen to KTTH and every right-wing host on there pisses me off at some point, so here's where I can vent.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mexico doesn't have any inovaters

Or... maybe it's easier to be "inovative" when you get to sit on your ass with a laptop and not work 12+ hours a day for pennies an hour or go home to a shack with no plumbing. Nah that can't be it. I'm sure whoever says that has studied the history of Mexico or even been there. It's kind of hard to be dirt poor and wonder where your next meal is coming from and make that next new microchip.

Japan has lots of inovators. Let's see what's different? A strong social safety net and health care for everyone maybe? Nah that's communism!

Ever heard of Maslows Pyramid?

It's pretty much common sense that if basic needs aren't met then higher self-actualization needs aren't going to be reached. A society where basic needs are gauranteed rights of all citizens is one where much more inovation will happen.