Once in a while I listen to KTTH and every right-wing host on there pisses me off at some point, so here's where I can vent.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Let's put this cocaine thing to rest...

To a direct question "Have you ever used cocaine?"

Bush: "I've told the people of this country that, over 20 years ago, I made some mistakes when I was younger. I've learned from those mistakes..."

How can you take this as anything but a yes?

I mean if someone asked you if you were ever a pedophile and you said, "I made some mistakes 20 years ago..."

He was grounded from the Air National Gaurd for not taking a physical exam the year they started drug testing.

He's also said he could pass an FBI test (meaning he hasn't done drugs in the last 7 years).

He never once --even when asked directly-- said he hadn't used cocaine.

Yet I heard another right-wing radio guy (maybe Allan Prell) in the morning dismissing it as a "wild accusation from the left with no substance..." I guess if you say it enought times, Mr Gerbles, it must be true.