Oh no! Fair Trials for Terrorists!
What will they think of next? Fair trials for child molesters? Will they allow accused drug dealers to hire lawyers and have a defense? Those evil Liberals! They want fair trials for mas murderers, rapists and every other kind of criminal. Why should criminals have a right to fair anything? Especially terrorists.
I know what you're thinking, "What if they are innocent..." Well, if the Government says they're terrorists they must be, the government doesn't ever make mistakes.
Stupid liberal constitution. Due process. Bah! Just shoot them all and let God sort them out!
It just makes me sad when people say that they don't like Democrats because they want to try "terrorists" in a proper court of law. When did these people start hating democracy? That's what free open democracies do. They have fair trials. Those people who want to live in a country without fair trials should go move to a nice military dictatorship where they will be safe from these liberal ideas like "rule of law" and "due process."
Here's a question: Why even have the tribunal Military "trial?" If the accused can't mount any kind of defense, and hearsay or tortured-rendered testimony can be used against them, what's the point of any kind of trial at all? Anybody accused of terrorism, just shoot them and be done with it.
I know what you're thinking, "What if they are innocent..." Well, if the Government says they're terrorists they must be, the government doesn't ever make mistakes.
Stupid liberal constitution. Due process. Bah! Just shoot them all and let God sort them out!
It just makes me sad when people say that they don't like Democrats because they want to try "terrorists" in a proper court of law. When did these people start hating democracy? That's what free open democracies do. They have fair trials. Those people who want to live in a country without fair trials should go move to a nice military dictatorship where they will be safe from these liberal ideas like "rule of law" and "due process."
Here's a question: Why even have the tribunal Military "trial?" If the accused can't mount any kind of defense, and hearsay or tortured-rendered testimony can be used against them, what's the point of any kind of trial at all? Anybody accused of terrorism, just shoot them and be done with it.
he dipshit, they're not us citizens, so who gives a shit if they're terrorists or not. they're war criminals,and they don't get our fucking due process. You actually want your tax dollars to pay for this puke? I hope you die
Way to prove them right you dumbass. Nazis got trials with due process were they citizens you uncle fucker? Eat a bag of shit moron.
Oh and one other thing you inbred douchebag, it costs us taxpayers a million dollars a year to keep EACH prisoner we have at Gitmo --it would be way cheaper for us taxpayers to actually try them properly like a real democracy. You apparently aren't good at math.
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