Once in a while I listen to KTTH and every right-wing host on there pisses me off at some point, so here's where I can vent.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Man I'm sick of rightie comments that get unchallenged on other boards.

(quote from a conservative on the “Oh That Liberal Media site”)

Exactly what has the left done? The last 20 years of prosperity were started by Reagan, and the Left destroyed it. Liberalism/Socialism doesn't contribute anything, it just takes away. Keep dreaming up your "facts".


What has left done? Let’s see. Won WWII (in spite of heavy Republican opposition in congress to get involved). Created Social Security, got us out of the Great Depression (the natural product of “free” capitalism).

Reagan administration’s first term took unemployment up to 11%. It wasn’t until the Democrats controlled both houses in 1984 that the great “Reagan Recovery” took place. A more accurate picture would be “Prosperity started by FDR and Kennedy dismantled by Nixon and Reagan –brought back a little by Bush 41 and a lot by Clinton –then stomped into the ground by GWB.

Under Clinton, there were fewer abortions there was less unemployment (it went from 8 to 3.4 percent declining steadily every year he was in office), there was smaller government, and despite all the hype, most working people paid less in taxes.

Besides spending more than any other administration, selling our country to China and Saudi Arabia and being indicted for corruption, what has the right done for us lately? Oh yeah handing over Iraq to Shiites and most of Afghanistan to warlords –half a billion in Halliburton stock options for Dick Cheney while our troops are digging around in rubble to find scraps to armor their Hum Vees. Now that’s leadership!

45 million Americans with no health care plus a war is going on, and our President takes time off from his Easter vacation, and congress has a special session for Terri Schaivo? Well, Righties, her autopsy came in and it doesn’t look good for you. She was brain-dead and blind just like the 29% of our country who still thinks this president is doing a good job. The pendulum has gone as far as it can go. Republicans had their chance to make this country better. Unless I’m misunderestimating their nucular strategery about isolationistism for the Grecians, it’s over.

And as far as their being a “Liberal Media,” I think Steven Colbert put it best when he said, “…and we all know reality has a liberal bias.” Were you people alive during the Clinton Administration when there was a front page story in the “Liberal” New York Times about Whitewater every single day for a year? Clinton couldn’t take a crap without a huge media expose and 45 thousand stories about “Crapgate.” Everyone knows about Clinton “Not Inhaling” but nobody talks much about Dubya’s drunk driving conviction in 1976. Everyone knows Ted Kennedy killed a woman in a car accident, but nobody talks about Laura Bush running a stop sign and killing a 17 year old girl when she was younger. How about Cheney’s drunk driving convictions?

There were a million stories about the Swift Boat Vets during the election but how many times on TV did we hear about Steve Gardner (SVB) admitting that he was lying or the fact that none of the SVBs were there at any of the times Kerry (according to everyone who was there and official Navy reports) earned his medals.

If there was a Liberal media, we’d hear more positive things about Labor Unions. between commercials for cialis and HMOs, we’d hear about how medicare only uses 3-6% of it’s money in administrative costs, but private health care firms take 15-30%. We’d see mass funerals for dead Iraqi children who were the victims of “Shock and Awe.” Most Americans wouldn’t believe that Saddam had connections to the 9-11 attacks or that Bush didn’t use cocaine.


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