Once in a while I listen to KTTH and every right-wing host on there pisses me off at some point, so here's where I can vent.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I find it a bit... ironic? (Ok maybe only by the loose Alanis Morissette definition) --that someone I know who's living rent free with someone who's collecting Social Security checks is calling liberals "Communists."

He's creating a wonderful program and hopefully is going to make a lucritive business out of it and has a place to stay and do that without being out on the street --thanks to a program put in place by a liberal Democrat president (so liberal his last speech called for socialized medicine) dispite strong Republican opposition. This person ironically tells me that socialism "Creates nothing." Hmmm. It's a head-scratcher.

It leaves me to wonder what private business created the Space Shuttle or the Hubble Telescope. What private company commissioned the Ceiling of the Sisteen Chappel? Or cured Smallpox. It seems to me our greatest achievements as a species have been communal efforts, and these efforts hardly were at the expence of any personal freedom. You're not free if you're starving or in need of medical care you can't afford.

I don't understand the right wing hatred of the government. There's a famous quote from Ronald Reagan that says something like the worst thing you can hear is "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

The way he says it is very convincing --and I'm sure that would be a bad thing for a rich Hollywood actor like Reagan to hear. Because he'll never have to hear something like, "I'm your landlord and here's your eviction notice." or "Your health plan doesn't cover this prescription you need," or "I'm from the power company and we're shutting off your electricity." In fact there are quite a few Americans who would absolutely love to hear, "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help."

I'll say it again: You go find me a country with smaller government and fewer socialist programs that's better to live in than the USA. In fact go find me a country that has smaller government and fewer socialist programs than the US that isn't hellish for most of it's citizens. Those are called third world countries and they suck. Not for the few rich Oligarchs who run things --but for most of the population.

Medved crusading against the evil Paris Hilton tax!

Yes let's get rid of that aweful tax that effects what --the top 2% of the population? After all it's OK for the government to take a percentage my paycheck but not that of some trust fund hippie? His income should be tax free because he didn't work for it at all? If you don't think the evil government shouldn't take a percentage of Paris Hilton's inheritence, then why is it OK for the government to take something from a small business owner trying to make it?

Who, after all is going to pay for the giant porkstraviganza that these Republicans and their cronies have been enjoying for the last 5 years. Sweetheart deals and contracts --not to mention the 3 billion dollar a week occupation of Iraq-- things that mostly benefit the ultra wealthy? According to Medved it should only be paid for by working class people.

If Bush were serious about stimulating the economy with tax cuts, he would repeal the tax on waiter and waitress' tips. With that money, they would buy blue jeans, Dish Soap, food etc. Things right here in the USA stimulating the economy and creating jobs. They wouldn't get an underage hooker in the Dominican Republic or open a factory in India.

There are so many things wrong with the conservative stance I tend to get lost in one aspect of its wrongness. The idea that the government is evil and therefor shouldn't get any rich people's money seems to come up a lot. If Medved truly loves this country, and believes in democracy then he should acknowledge that the government IS the people and the people are America. So what Medved is saying really is that America is evil.

One of the things that makes America a great country is a deep down distain for inherited class distinction. The American dream is that anybody can make it with hard work and enginuity and that we are all born equal. Allowing huge inheritence to create a perpetual ruling class of "old money" like the lords and ladies of old Europe -- is completely an anathema to what America is all about.

If you want the government to not take as much money, how about voting in one that spends less. Vote for Democrats. Unless you like the fact that we are now borrowing billions from China, Saudi Arabia and yes I kid you not... Mexico to pay for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. Just another problem we didn't have when that horrible Clinton was in office.