Once in a while I listen to KTTH and every right-wing host on there pisses me off at some point, so here's where I can vent.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Part 1

He was on the other day talking about the Democrats' big lie about unemployment problem.

He told one of his callers that the unemployment rate was at 5.6 percent in April. This is true. He went on to explain that the unemployment rate under Clinton during April when he was up for re-election was... 5.5. That's right, See! No big difference!

What he forgot to mention was that under Clinton it went DOWN to 5.5 from Bush Sr's 8.8! And under GW Bush, it went UP to 5.5 from Clintons 3.4.

Most people won't bother to go to the dept of Labor and Statistics web site to actually look this crap up, so they'll just believe whatever this walking GOP info-mercial says.

He always saves his big stinker lies for just before commercial break, so there's no debate about it...

"By the way the Guillitine was invented by French secularists!" Actually if you bother to look it up it was invented by a German fellow named Albert Schmidt. The
French invented the word Guillitine named after the man who introduced it in France. They began using it a lot when across Europe they were mostly using the clumsy and often much less humane Axe& chopping block, as well as drawing/quartering people etc.

The more I listen to this holier-than-thou moralist, and absolute sychophant of the current administration, the less I agree with him. I do, however admire his speaking style and quick thinking in an argument.

Some things you learn on the Michael Medved show.

*Bush can't make any decision that could possibly be considered wrong in any way.
*Evangelical Christians are the greatest people who ever walked the Earth and everything they do is good. (Why Michael is jewish, I can't understand, I mean if Christianity is so great, why not embrace it fully?)
*Micheal Moore is the devil and "pure sleaze."
*Anyone who disagrees with the Bush administration on anything is evil.
*It's good to have a healthy contempt for the French. (he doesn't preach hate or anything, just healthy contempt).
*The "secular left" (whoever they are) and Muslems are the cause of all the problems in the world.